Social Democrats for the Development of Georgia
Program Principles
It has been twenty years since Georgia has become an independent state. Intense and serious discussion on how people should live has not become the issue on the agenda of the society during this period. Georgia and our people have not made their choice yet.
The country has been following the course of certain politics, which is mainly defined by outer influences.
The spread of radical forms of globalist neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism has borne negative results to Georgia, burdened with difficult heritage of new, unstable soviet epoch and many challenges such as collapse of the territorial integrity, ineffective centralized and concentrated administration etc. Layback from the developed states deepened, the country has inclined towards authoritarian leadership (principles of soviet “democratic centralism” have merged well with radical neo-liberal expert avant-gardism in the revolutionary administration ideology), social inequality and oligarchy established (supported by competition success propaganda drawn to Darwinism), threat of cultural uniformity (marginalization of self identity).
Past twenty years have shown us that the established fundamentalist-type globalist neo-liberalism cannot create guarantees for the development of states and people.
Democratization deprived of social insight and development perspective, slogans of human rights and effective market economy brought about the results that are absolutely different from these slogans.
We represent the part of the society who thinks the status-quo is unjust and without perspectives. Therefore, we call the society and people to change it.
Our society today stands before an extremely difficult and important problem.
We have to find creative approaches which will enable us to overcome the political and economic stagnation and define a better road for our country’s development.
We believe that the only subject who can bear the responsibility for this difficult task are people themselves.
We, as a part of these people, are ready to share the responsibility and participate actively in to meet this challenge together with the part of the society who aims at the development of the country.
We see the development of the country as the first and the main aim, which signifies – development for everyone. It means – social, economic, political, cultural and personal development.
Without the entire development of the country the establishment of fundamental human rights and adequate living conditions as well as democratic order is impossible.
We propose the way of development which is brought about by the past and the present of the country, Georgia’s culture and traditions, interests and aspirations of Georgian people.
Georgia is a European country and, therefore, natural way of our development is a European way, which is based on such universal values as: liberty, equality, justice, solidarity, cooperation, good neighborliness and humanity.
The stress on European way does not mean that Georgia has to take after other countries, but that it has to bear responsibility for its future and self-development.
The development of Georgia as a state means
• Social development
• Economic development
• Political Development
• Cultural development
• Territorial development
We aspire towards a society where
• Generation solidarity is attained; traditions are respected on the basis of professionalism and experience;
• An individual has a right to free development;
• Unemployment is declared not only economic but also social, political and humanitarian problem;
• Modernization is mainly seen as investment in the human resources;
• Development of economy and of the entire society is based on knowledge, education, science;
• Symmetrical development of the country is a priority – equaling department’s urban and agrarian and regions’ social-economic and cultural levels;
• Development of the education sphere, state support of the science and artistic work is a high priority
Our main aim is the growth of people’s well-being, which is based on regional development, their political and economic rights enhancement, stimulation of innovative processes and country’s political, economic, social and cultural modernization.
We aspire to such a developed society where social economy and social democracy functions effectively, where liberty, equality, justice and solidarity are respected.
Liberty, Equality, Justice, Solidarity
• Liberty and equality are equal values. Liberty is impossible without equality; equality is impossible without liberty.
• Every person is free and equal – equally free.
• Individual liberty is spread until it hinders other person’s liberty or fundamental right of equality
• Personal freedom is a guarantee of human honor.
• Political liberty is a right to choice and participation.
• State and society has to create equal conditions and opportunities to its citizens to unveil their capacities and realize their rights.
• Principle of Justice means that everyone is equal to the law, state, justice and society.
• Full realization of the Principle of Justice is impossible without the social and institutional support of the social justice.
• Liberty, equality and justice are dependent on the accessibility of social goods. If everyone does not possess these goods equally, everyone is not free equally.
• Liberty is used by those who are socially protected.
• Provision of social protection is provision of liberty protection.
• Real establishment of liberty, equality and justice in the modern difficult society is only possible through maximal realization of solidarity principle in the social, economic and political life.
Society and State
Solidary Society and Social Justice
Shift to market economy in Georgia coincided with the reestablishment of state independence. In the rest of the world it coincided with intensification of globalization and neo-liberal economic processes.
Through complex relationships of these factors in Georgia new order has been established, where citizens acquire more importance, as consumers, but loose opportunities, as owners of democratic rights, who can influence the ongoing processes in politics as well as economy.
Society should provide with solidary effort for the wellbeing of all and for the fair distribution of this wellbeing.
Individual and social rights cannot substitute each other, they cannot be juxtaposed.
Only where human social rights are realized, all members of society benefit of the individual rights.
People work not only for income but also for acquiring adequate social product for life, creating their social and cultural identity, boost self-esteem. Potential of saving income, therefore, is one of the main principles for realizing citizen’s positive rights.
We are against market fundamentalism, which is undermining spheres of social values.
We support market economy as a whole, but we think that the state should play central (and important) role in social and economic issues on state and regional levels.
Increase of personal responsibility for actions is extremely important. This however, should not undermine state responsibility and discredit the idea of distribution in the social mind.
Middle class should be the guarantor of such social and state order.
Middle class in Georgia is quite small and hence cannot provide historically and institutionally for its functions, amongst which are stability, realization of historical continuity and entire perspective of the society.
Middle class is the main force of modern society development and progress, guarantor for social sustainability and political stability.
Economical middle class is not social and political middle class – it has to be social and political high class.
Middle class having large social representation has to become a priority of the modern state.
New Social Contract
There are practically no social institutions today in Georgia, which would have carried out a mediatory role (function) between the society and the state.
The traditional social values are eroding; orientation values are undefined and vague. Strife towards personal autonomy and individualization of all spheres of life is apparent.
Social inequality and social fragmentation have been growing; feeling of social aloofness has become strong.
On the background of total mistrust towards social institutions, individual faces challenges alone and an alternative to these challenges are sought in conformism and adaptation (based on infantile hopelessness), or in the extremist anti-system actions, which are directed towards revolutionary oligarchy, that, as the experience shows, causes authoritarism and oligarchic dictate.
We have to create our own state. Citizens have to have a feeling that the existent state is ours and that the decisions taken by the state are taken by us (or by our compatriots, who take into account our aspirations and interests).
Social and state order has to be based on social contract, which has to be agreed upon by the majority of the citizens.
Citizens and the state have to realize their rights, duties and responsibilities.
Social dialogue has to become the basis for politics.
Government has to have only nominal mandate of administration, which has to be carried out within the framework of the contract.
The cultivation of the feeling of social unity has to be provided by united actions – the existence of social sphere – together with its functional ethics which is guarded against the intrusion of market forces.
This social space is not only a family or network of friends. It encompasses education, health care, culture, social protection spheres; economic infrastructure (roads, communications, energy sector etc.).
It is realized in the collective form of action (trade unions, associations, interest groups, parties).
Main value within the social sphere is not money but human and social capital. The state has to provide conditions for total accessibility to the so called social goods.
• Social goods are goods that can be consumed by all individuals in the territorial and political area where these goods are distributed. No one can be excluded from the consumption of these goods. This is resulted either from the specific characteristics of these goods or from their judicial or legitimate character. These goods are, for instance, air cleanness, subsistence wage, human rights protection, free education, etc.
• Equal accessibility to social goods is an important condition for provision of basic rights. Rights, institutions, social and personal safety, clean air, clear environment, health care or education – these are social goods that cannot be equally provided to everyone only by self-regulated market mechanisms or agreements amongst individuals. Provision of social goods is dependent on political will and actions, which have to be based on solidarity and social justice process.
The economy should serve for the interests of the society, not vice versa – the society to the interests of the economy. Our reference-point is the market economy envisaging both the social and common needs.
We suppose that the way of transition to the market economy being accepted up now by Georgia, cannot lead us to the economic system with highly effective and desirable social results.
We thing that the low benchmark from which the economic progress of the country must start, is not just a problem, but a certain chance and reserve for achieving the high speeds of development and overcoming during the short time the economic backwardness of our country through using the technological progress and institutional instruments of the developed states and the affective combination of both internal and external conditions of the national economy.
Our main purpose is to form the public-oriented and coordinated mixed economy.
The term “mixed economy” means that a pluralism of types of ownership and a reliable functioning the coordinated market mechanism is already achieved. A progressive nature of any single form of ownership is determined not by an ideological cliché but by its real effectiveness. A private property is a true fundament of the economic system, however, there exist other forms of the collective and the state ownership, performing an important function in line with it. The State plays a considerable role in creation and distribution of the public goods (values, product), which can be used by any individual within the frameworks of those political and territorial areas where such goods are created. Nobody can or must be excluded from using them, proceeding from their physical features or legal nature. Such goods are: a fresh air, a healthy environment, a necessary minimum wage for living, a healthcare, a free education, etc. An equal access to the social goods is he most essential precondition for realization of the fundamental human rights. The projects of various directions and fields having a vital importance for the state, are often implementing through using the state-owned property.
The economy must be developing on the grounds of a clearly formulated economic policy, that should have a force of a law. Such the policy should integrate different State-pursued and private policies (innovative, agrarian, environmental, power engineering, scientific, small businesses involving, investments, educational, informational, etc.) Fulfillment of this task should be secured by a full independence of and feeling of safety by the economic entities on one hand, and introduction of the system of stimulating instruments by the state, on the other hand.
It is of an utmost importance to ensure that both the businessmen and the public officers in particular and the large public in general, be well-aware of the terms and conditions of the economic policy.
Coordination of the economy shall mean the following:
a) The State is actively involved in the economic and the social spheres on both the central -national and regional (local) levels.
b) The economic system (order) is related with the common public order through the specific inter-correlated manner. In such systems, a stable and a well balanced relations exist between employers, employees and the State (the so called Tripartite principle).
In contradiction to the neo-liberal belief that the non-coordinated economic systems can better meet the need of a global integration of the financial and stock markets, the advanced experience shows that the well-coordinated market economies are more successful during the medium- and long periods.
A coordinated economy implies an existence of “little but effective State“, which adopts good (effective) laws and creates relevant conditions for their practical implementation: where the government, based upon the adopted laws, pursues a scientifically justified and clearly formulated economic policy, that should be a sum of separate private policies (innovative, agrarian, environmental, power engineering, small business, investments, etc.).
It is quite difficult task to implement the economic policy that is based upon the defined priorities. Therefore, the State should take care for a professional training of public officers, gaining the foreign experience, science-based support of the management.
The activities of the institutions being involved in securing the macroeconomic management i.e. the National Bank, the Ministry of Finance, the Antimonopoly Service, the Department for Statistics, etc.) must be improved qualitatively, frequent reorganizations on these institutions must be excluded, while a sustainable perfection thereof – promoted.
The economic policy must be directed to growing competitiveness of the country. An achievement of a regional competitiveness can be considered as the first phase in this direction. The system of stimulating measures (tax, budgetary, credits, grants, scientific support, etc.) should contribute to the interrelated and well-proved directions listed below:
• Transition from the factors-based economy first to the investments-based and then to the innovations-based economies. Proceeding from the aforementioned the directions of the investment policy should be defined and, the local investments and creation of the free market of securities should be promoted particularly. Introduction and mastering of the advanced technologies and establishment of the joint ventures must be considered as the priority tasks.
• Support to production and realization of the export goods: A due functioning of the effective modern economy in Georgia seems to be impossible without a strong export. The export should be oriented to the local markets, first of all. The developments taking place in the current era of globalization show it clearly that the regional cooperation has no alternatives, especially for the economies like Georgia. Our direct neighbors and the European Union may be considered as our major partners, to this end.
• Agriculture: The agrarian products must be regarded as the most important factor for strengthening the exporting potential of the country. The current situation in this field is critical, since the agrarian products not only fail to form a considerable part in the export , but take a lowest position on a local markets, as well. For instance, on 1 dollar of the national product the Namely the export goods valued as 4 dollars come. Production of the goods with the ecological trade mark, through using the nature-saving technologies, should become the essential priority of the economic policy of the government, in the agrarian sector. Agriculture cannot be considered as a branch of the national economy involved only in production of the food products and raw materials. A special nature of this sector is, that its production is result of the “alive” alive process where the main “alive” soil serves as the main tool. Agriculture had been a generator of the Georgian culture. A village is place where the national traditions have been originating and developing as a result of and based upon our spiritual and material values. As a result of a lack of attention by the State to such social phenomenon as villages are with their potential and significance for the development of this strategic branch of the national economy, they are facing to the risk of becoming completely unpopulated. Therefore, the State must do all its best for assisting and supporting the revival and development of the farming, farmers cooperation, agro-industrial integration, innovations, strengthening the participation of communities in the local self-governance. All these will contribute to and make nonreversible the process of revival of the agriculture.
• Middle class. Development of medium, small and micro businesses is considered to be one of the priorities of the economic policy and the essential component of formation of the middle class of the society, that is currently very small and weak, in Georgia and, as a result, fails to fulfill its main historical and institutional function: securing the social, economic, political stability, social progress, permanency, general perspectives of the country.
• Development of the regions, especially the mountainous areas of Georgia through rehabilitation of the family-, and adventurer ecotourism, local trading. Georgia must use fully its geographical advantages, develop the transit and related services, including the tourism and financial ones. However, creation of the material values should be considered as the main priority.
• We must regulate our economic activity in such a manner that preserve with a maximally possible extent the healthy environment and foresee the exhausting nature of the natural resources (so called non-renewable resources). Thus a sustainable development must be the main reference point. It means that use of the resources-saving technologies in all spheres, with manufacturing the products having the ecological trade marks must become the main priority of the State.
Socially oriented economy
We support market economy, but not market society.
We should settle “principle of social partnership“ that represents a mechanism of opposition softening existed between labor and capital.
We support alliance between employers and employees, consolidation of branch professional associations and their introduction in the process of economic and social policy formation that provides dialog and concession inside society.
We designate, that current Labor Code suitable only for employer’s interests, completely excludes possibility of realization of economic democracy and therefore it is economically inefficient. That is why we categorically demand fast and basic change of this code.
We consider the unemployment not only as economic problem but also social, political and humanitarian problem. Every individual has a right to work, which follows from the concept of equal human dignity and social citizenship.
• The state is obliged to provide realization of this right. To help the individual to find the work
• The gainful work creates conditions for self-respect and social acknowledgement. Social safety must be equally guaranteed.
• For insuring the right to work the state works towards full employment through the macroeconomic policy mechanisms, activity of local authorities, educational policy, etc.
• Globalization of economy and the accelerated technological transformation in the economy and society, based on the knowledge causes the urgent structural changes, redistribution of functions of work and fast deterioration of professional knowledge. In such conditions most important is supporting of institutions of the uninterrupted education (lifelong study) and permanent readiness for professional adaptation which will be the best basis for employment.
In the economy the state is preserving the role of security of the country and social stability of society (that can’t be solved by ultra liberal economy).
• Every citizen has the fundamental social-economic rights and liberties given by law.
• The government creates conditions for satisfaction of considerable requirements of the population using developed social infrastructure.
• The state will redistribute the incomes through the effective taxation system to be useful for less secured citizens and in such way it gives the means of subsistence and also promotes establishment of social responsibility and traditions of a society.
In the framework of socially oriented economy and social welfare state we will provide:
• Creation of a guaranteed minimum income of each individual and each family.
• Protection of an individual and families against such social risks, as illness, an old age and unemployment.
• Offering the best social service to every citizen not depending upon their social and economic status and condition.
• Rendering of the maximum social help to the people having limited possibilities and their high-grade integration into a society.
• Our main target is to achieve social justice, which means guarantee of the basic rights, equal chance of a life, avoidance of social risks and increase of well-being of the person at the expense of economic growth, active support of industrial activity, increase of workplaces.
Our priority task is humanization, democratization and socialization of economy, creation of such economic models, which is based on symbiosis of equality and economic efficiency.
We believe, that realization of liberal values in the society is impossible till the economy is creating the unemployment and inappropriate inequality in distribution of incomes. Moreover, equality is economically effective as “when rich grows even more and poor grows poor, the economy dies”.
We represent political force focused on development, which accelerates modernization of economy of Georgia on the basis of social justice, social partnership and solidarity, preservation and using of national traditions and culture.
Development is impossible if there is no solidarity, mutual support and emotional experience of socially vulnerable layers. For emotional experience of such kind it is necessary that the society is penetrated by appropriate system of the values. This system of values can be only organized as a result of aimed training and education. Valuable humanistic education is necessary for development and transformation of our society. This kind of education means the appropriation of not only knowledge and information but also of humanistic values.
One of the main values of an individual the personality is the respect of personal beginning. Love towards a friend turned into main commandment and imperative by classical humanism. Exactly this relation towards the personality created a basis for classic humanistic training and education. This education means as the work out of main competencies as well the appropriation of definite principles and appropriate lifestyle.
Contemporary Georgian society lacks the humanistic education. It is obvious that this training should be based over recognized human rights and freedom of consciousness but meanwhile we should not forget the basis of classical humanism education – Antique and Christian roots of Georgian and European cultures as the expression of our identity in constant and peaceful dialogue of the cultures. Only with the solid consciousness of this kind of identity the true openness is possible towards another personality and constant readiness for the dialogue with other cultures- the dialogue which shall be not consequent political-economic conjuncture but the inner demand. Education should become the forepost for development and transformation of our society.
Modern secondary and higher schools of Georgia should be based over the century old experience of European classic education what obviously does not eliminate but necessarily means full consideration of the best Georgian traditions as well as of modern requirements and challenges.
Education is the main pre condition of the development. Development begins not by finances or material resources but with the people and their education, organized discipline. Education is the gradual and long process. The right for education and uninterrupted education is one of the most important priorities for us, as education is the tool which influence future opportunities of each citizen.
Education is the key for socially equal and economically successful society. Educated society has highly qualified labor forces, which is able and shall constantly renew its knowledge, skills and obtain new qualifications. This is substantial condition. Education is the best insurance for unemployment. Investment in education is the investment into development opportunities of personal freedom and potential social development.
Education Principles
• Each individual has the right for thoroughly basic education what should begin at the earliest age and gives the opportunity of self strengthening to personality.
• Each individual has the right to get professional education, the highest education, get the skills and the knowledge.
Education Right has Three Aspects
• This is fundamental social right for each citizen.
• It refers to the equality principle of the opportunities. Neither of the social groups should be privileged or discriminated based on the origin or the economical situation
• Politics for realization of this right.
Aid at Early Childhood
Unused opportunities at this period demand more efforts in future so at this age the aid of educational programs is more fertile and it is the guarantee of future success. The provision of opportunities equality principle demands the existence of the kind of education system which shall create equal conditions to each child in creation of educational opportunities.
The School
The supervision of children all day long is the equality from the point of view of employment, in fact for women. Daytime schools support the full time employment of the parents thus helping their equality.
The autonomous self governance is important for Public schools. Every individual should be taught independence in education and in action. The pupils and the parents should be involved in the pedagogic work. New comprehension of the School as of new notion is the outcome of it - this is the place where the pupils help each other in acquisition of competencies and life guide. This is the social function of the school.
Professional Education
Initial basic professional education is the precondition for each individual to get appropriate work and to achieve personal independence. Each person has the right of personal training, among them the poor progress student. The National professional education system has to be world wide recognized. This system is to work guaranteed during economic crisis as well.
University Education
The increased quantity of educated people is demanded by modern living, the society, based over knowledge and the economy. The successful university education is the pre condition of individual freedom and social influence. The education policy at the university level has to consider the financial support for talented students from socially poor families.
Post-diploma education: the lifelong learning has to be possible for everyone who can develop and improve the knowledge and the skills. This possibility has to be provided by appropriate State and social institutes.
We are striving for a modern democratic State to be relied upon the political activity of its citizens; for a State ensuring a struggle for the social objectives; A State able to be changed in line with the new challenges and strengthen its skills to deal with them.
The State governance should be responsible, accountable, effective and, be implemented through the principles of representation and participation.
A decentralization of the governance is essential and should be carried out through the principles of division and sharing the state power, that implies a separation of the powers in both horizontal (legislative, executive, judicial) and vertical (central, regional, local) dimensions.
On a top (central, national) level, the representation must be ensured maximally, while as to the local and public institutions levels, a participation must be guaranteed.
A distribution of the competences and a wide introduction of the participation should promote a process of the shared (consensual) decision-making that, in its turn ensures an existence of the responsible, accountable, and effective governance.
Formation of a really representative parliament should be the initial and the necessary step to this direction.
The parliamentary elections should be conducted according to the regional – proportional system (on the basis of the lists presented in the regions) that ensures both the proportional representation of the electorate (that is absolutely ignored in conditions of the current majority electoral system) and the responsibility and accountability of the elected parliament members to the population (electorate) in the regions.
Such the system will promote a further activation of the social-and-political life in the regions, increase a responsibility of the local population, stimulate a cooperation between the public and political groups, create a basis for sharing the powers and making the consensual decisions.
For strengthening the aforementioned principles, the rule of the preferential voting, where a voter may vote for several candidates by ranging, would also play an important positive role.
The current system of presidential elections causes the institutionalization and consolidation of the authoritarian (super-centralized, super-concentrated, personified) governance, practical abolition of the representative function of the parliament, a complete disappearance of the accountable and responsible governing institutions in the political system.
Inexistence of the institutional channels, which could ensure an input of interests of single public groups in the policy, the citizens are turned into the voters only and, their participation in the social-and political life, is limited just by voting in the presidential elections.
As a result, instead of the constitutional, representative and participative democracy of the European type, we have the so called “Peoples Democracy” with the Soviet traditions, which is based on the principle of the Democratic Centralism.
Taking into consideration the above mentioned shortcomings and weaknesses, the said system is not able to provide the state governance in the conformity with the interests of the civil society and. at the same time, cannot meet the challenges the further development of the country is facing with.
This system is too fragile, makes it practically impossible to substitute the state power by democratic ways (through the elections) and, creates the possibilities (risks) of development of the political processes by way of revolution, that finally causes an introduction of the ochlocracy and the oligarchic governance and, increases the threats.
Therefore, the existing presidential system should be substituted by the parliamentary system. The powers of the president must be limited by the representation only. The executive branch of the state power should be formed (staffed) and controlled by the parliament (the president may also be elected by the parliament).
Introduction of a true self-governance is vital.
Both by historical and logical viewpoints, it is unimaginable to have a really representative and participative governance without local democracy.
In order to ensure a maximal participation, all possible competences should be necessarily delegated to the maximally lower levels of the governance.
Consideration and regulation of issues of the local level, should be included in the competence of the local self-governance bodies, while the ones of the regional importance – in the competence of the regional self-governing bodies.
Certain competences should be delegated to the public institutions, which then automatically make the relevant decisions (in the spheres of education, professional activities, etc.)
Such the system will serve ensure a further activation of citizens, increase respectively their responsibilities and form a stable fundament for the responsible, accountable and effective governance.
For resolving the very complex tasks of the state strengthening and economic development, a special attention must be paid to training and re-training of the top public officers, including those being elected on their posts.
A formation of the corps of the top officials as well as a formation of their professional knowledge and ethics, seems to the most important task of the State. A regulation of the age qualification of the public officers, an observance of the professional ethics standards and laws by them should become a subject of a special care by the State. The top level of the state power should become an exemplary, in observance of the laws and the norms of the professional ethics.
A governance on the basis of the unity of officially recognized politics – that is required by us unconditionally, - is such a new thing for Georgia, that a re-training of the existing public officers and understanding a content of these politics by each performer, will become necessary.
Foreign Policy
The foreign policy of Georgia should serve for the country’s national interests. Any decision, agreement and/or pact should proceed from the national interests of Georgia and, at the same time, should avoid any threat to the security of the country, its population, statehood, ecology and culture.
The national Interests of Georgia shall be determined by the Georgian nation, through the democratic institutions and procedures.
The foreign policy of Georgia must be relied up upon the existing global realities. It should specify the tactical reference-points with taking into account the future perspectives. A partnership and a dialogue should become the main forms of activity for the Georgian diplomatic corps.
The partnership and the dialog must first weaken and then eradicate fully the conflicts in relations with Georgia.
Principles and Tasks
• Peaceful, good-neighborly relations with both neighbors (CIS States, Europe, Turkey) and global actors (USA, Russia);
• De-ideology of the Foreign policy;
• Pragmatism and flexibility of the foreign policy;
• Introduction of the regionalism, namely, the open-type European regionalism, instead of the servile submission and the global order and, support of these principles by Georgia;
• Joining the European Union – as the instrument for a development of the Georgian statehood and preservation of our cultural identity. The membership in the EU will ensure a strengthening and development of the culture of democratic governance in the Georgian society and, development of the new generations of Georgians.
• In regards with the conflicts – peace, cooperation, postponing the disputable political issues until the due confidence occurs in relations with the relevant arties
Concerning the conflicts
• Legal protection of the territorial integrity of Georgia on the international arena;
• Legal struggle for releasing of the territories occupied by the Russia;
• Refusal of use of force for resolving the territorial integrity-related problem;
• Providing the political guarantees of the safety to the population of Abkhazia and Tskhinvli Region;
• Moratorium on determining the status of the occupied territories;
• Unconditional re-establishment of contacts with Abkhazians and Ossetes in humanitarian, economic, and cultural spheres;
• Demilitarization of the conflict regions;
• Rejection of the revenge
• Abkhazia an South Ossetia, like the Abkhazians and Ossetes, are inseparable parts of Georgia and enjoy all those rights and privileges as any other nations and territories of Georgia
• The aggressive and the revenge-seeking attitude towards Abkhazians and Ossetes (since there are the citizens of Georgia) shall be impermissible
• Georgia, despite the status-related disagreement, shall be ready for and contribute to peaceful, good-neighborly and intensive economic, social, humanitarian, cultural and educational relations with Abkhazians and Ossetes.
A consideration of the problem related to the status of the territories, must be started only after restoring the confidence between Georgians, Abkhazians, and Ossetes
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